Gounders in Business
“Gounders In Business” (GIB) is the Business development forum of Erode district
Through this forum GIB members developing good relationship with kongu vellalar gounder community people and helping each other in business to make all to be succeed.
Meetings & Trainings
Business Environment

August 26, 2015
" உறவுகளை வளர்பதன் மூலம் தொழில் முனைவோர்களை ஊக்குவித்து வளப்படுத்துதல் மட்டும் கொங்கு வெள்ளாளர் சமுதாயத்தை வலுப்படுத்துதல் "
" பாரம்பரியம், கலாச்சாரம், வேளாண் நடைமுறைகளை மேம்படுவதன் மூலம் கொங்கு சமுதாயத்தின் நிலையான மற்றும் தற்சார்பான வளர்ச்சியை அடுத்தடுத்த தலைமுறைகளுக்கு ஒழுங்கு முறையுடன் எடுத்துசெல்வது "
Developing Business skills
Educating Business Financial Aspects
Awarness about maintaining our health
Awarness about Mangement Experience for Family & Business
Developing Attitude

Key Features of GiB

Core Values
Strengthening our GiB Entrepreneur’s Community Refreshing our Seer muraikal to all members Every member should Walk the talk..
Culture Sustenance
Good Agriculture Practice
Building Relationship
Our Story
GiB was launched in Erode on August 26, 2015. Now more than 3700+ members from various business are members.
To enhance business, training and motivational programs are organized with skilled trainers.
What does we do?
Through monthly meeting and training GiB helps you to build a powerful gounder community network that makes you to be a best entrepreneur.
GiB provides an environment with gounder community people to help each other towards success.
Our Story
GiB was launched in Erode on August 26, 2016. Now more than 500+ members from various business are members.
To enhance business, training and motivational programs are organized with skilled trainers.
What does we do?
Through monthly meeting and training GiB helps you to build a powerful gounder community network that makes you to be a best entrepreneur.
GiB provides an environment with gounder community people to help each other towards success.